Russian TMNT fan, Demon-Alukard, has whipped up a highly useful guide to the vintage Mexican TMNT comic, "Las Tortugas Ninja", published by Division Comics between 1990 and 1993.
Las Tortugas Ninja: The Guide.
The comics were a mix of reprints of Archie's TMNT Adventure issues and original stories from Division's in-house talent (the guide thankfully dictates which issues were reprints and which contained original material). In Mexico, these comics were a staple of the early 90s TMNT global merchandising war machine, though little is known about them in the US. I find guides to lesser-known TMNT fiction like this fascinating, personally, so I thought I'd share the good word.
While the site's primary language is Russian, Google Translate renders the text comprehensible, so don't be put off.
Regrettably, the guide is incomplete. If you happen to have cover images and knowledge of any of the missing issues, please do the global TMNT fan community a solid and drop us all a line in this thread at the Technodrome Forums. We'd all be grateful!
UPDATE: Also check out Demon-Alukard's handy guide for the UK's Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles comic published by Fleetway!